Using react's i18next with MUI typography

April 9, 2023

Adding new lines with linebreaks

1. Using "br" tags

  "hello": {
    "message": "Hello world <0/> Hello world"
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
import { Typography } from '@mui/material';

<Typography variant="subtitle" mt={2}>
  <Trans t={t} i18nKey="hello.message" components={[<br />]} />

The <0/> will be replaced by a line break during rendering with the first element passed in the components props array.

2. Using "\n" in the translation texts

  "hello": {
    "message": "Hello world \n Hello world"
import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
import { Typography } from '@mui/material';

<Typography variant="subtitle">
  <Trans t={t} i18nKey="hello.message" />

This does not work. For it to work you need to pass the preWhitespace prop to the Typography component like below:

import { Trans } from 'react-i18next';
import { Typography } from '@mui/material';

<Typography variant="subtitle" whiteSpace="pre-wrap">
  <Trans t={t} i18nKey="hello.message" />

Hope it was helpful. Thank you.